Django Sort Dropdown

Recently while working on PrinceJets I found I really needed to filter a drop down on a ForeignKey relationship. I found a way to do it in the Django documentation but it said not to use it for queries that returned over 100 results but my model was regions which were linked to countries and then continents. In short I had thousands of records to sort through. Uggh, it should be simple, but it wasn’t.…

SublimeText 2, Rocks.

Sublime Text 2 replaced Textmate as my default editor (sorry TM, you were awesome while it lasted) over six months ago and I haven’t looked back. The first thing to know about Sublime Text 2 is that its package control system is awesome and it really makes the editor what it is. After downloading and installing Sublime you need to install the package control system. To do that open the built in command line interface by hitting Ctrl + ` (Thats a back tick and its the key just below the esc key on most keyboards.…

Webfaction + Virtualenv - How To

Note that while this post is oldish the process below still works well as of today: 3/26/2014 This post is going to quickly go over how I set up Django based sites quickly and easily on Webfaction using Virtualenv’s. First things first, log into your Webfaction server via SSH shell (Terminal or Putty.) Note that I use commands to use Python 2.7. Change the -2.7 to whatever version you need or prefer as necessary.…

Chrome Dev Tools

I switched to Chrome as my main browser a while back after Firefox started updating every 10 minutes and never seemed to be as stable for me on OSX as it once was. With that switch the only thing I really missed was my beloved Firebug plugin. I slowly adjusted to Chrome Dev Tools but its taken some time to get used to the different interations. Today I stumbled on this post by Josh sharing a great presentation that I wished I had seen earlier.…