Upgrading to Yosemite
So today I took the plunge and upgraded to Yosemite. With all of the Django and Homebrew setup on my mac it’s always interesting to see what breaks when upgrading. First thing that was off was Postgres was not started, which is what I use for local dev so I can use a production dataset when testing. When I tried to run “brew doctor” I got an error:
Error: No such file or directory - /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang
From experience from past upgrades I know this is because command line tools are not installed correctly. So, the upgrade wiped out my command line tools install. In order to get those back it’s a simple command in terminal:
xcode-select --install
You’ll then be prompted to install command line tools. Once that is installed I was able to run “brew update” to get the latest packages that should hopefully run better with Yosemite.
Once those are updated it’s time to start Postgres and set it to restart each time I restart my Mac. Actually, it’s time to do something totally different since I cannot get Homebrew Postgres to run on Yosemite.
Instead simply follow the directions over here for Postgres on Yosemite and you’ll be up and running in no time. Remember if you have any special path exports for pg in your .bash_profile or similar to clear them out or Postgres.app may not work for you.
My local development environment is now up and running on Yosemite. Yippee!
UPDATE: After a restart my Postgres connection for my virtualenv was lost. In order to get things working again with Postgresapp.com I had to set Postgres.app to automatically start on login in the preferences. I then uninstalled psycopg2 via
pip uninstall psycopg2
I then edited my ~/.bash_profile file and added the following to point to the Postgres.app bin
export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.3/bin:$PATH"
I then reinstalled psycopg2
pip install psycopg2
And thennnn I was off to the races.
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