Restoring Rooted Nook Simple Touch

My wife gave me a Nook Simple Touch this past Christmas and a few months back I decided to mess around and root it since it seemed like having it be a full fledged Android tablet would be pretty cool, but well, it wasn't that cool. At least I didn't think so. It slowed it down, wore down the battery life and most apps I tried didn't work very well. Turns out I really just like it for reading books, which its awesome at.…


Well, its finally here. While its not even close to styled the way I want its a start and I need to finish this up so I can get a couple of hours sleep before work! I still need to post this to where I'm creating 30 sites in 30 days. So, here it is. My new personal blog. I've been wanting to do this for pretty much ever so its a relief to finally have something here.…

Sublime Text 2 Color Schemes

I got tired of not being able to quickly compare different Sublime Text 2 color schemes and themes so I’m making this gallery. All color schemes are with default ST2 theme and font. Color schemes change the colors of the code area but don’t change the other parts of the UI, the sidebar color for instance. Dark color schemes will typically look better paired with a dark theme but I’ve just kept the default theme for consistency.…

Sublime Text 2 (ST2) Themes in Pictures

A gallery of some Sublime Text color themes. (Made in, like, 2013)…

+++ title = “Sublime Text 2 (ST2) Themes in Pictures” description = “A gallery of some Sublime Text color themes. (Made in, like, 2013)” menu = “main” url = “sublime-text–2-st2-themes-in-pictures/” type = “gallery” +++ As I mentioned in my earlier post on Sublime Text 2 color schemes, I had grown tired of trying to find the right color scheme and switching manually in ST2 is not very fun.…

+++ title = “Sublime Text 2 Color Schemes” menu = “main” url = “sublime-text–2-color-schemes/” type = “gallery” +++ I got tired of not being able to quickly compare different Sublime Text 2 color schemes and themes so I’m making this gallery. All color schemes are with default ST2 theme and font. Color schemes change the colors of the code area but don’t change the other parts of the UI, the sidebar color for instance.…

+++ title = “Sublime Package Confusion” categories = [ “Coder”] date = “2016–01–14T21:58:03Z” aliases = [“/blog/sublime-package-confusion/”] +++ After switching to a new Mac recently I installed my favorite text editor Sublime Text 3. While most things picked right up because I sync my preferences through my private cloud, the Django template language snippets and highlighting provided by Djaniero were not working. I couldn’t install it again either.…